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We Offer Premium Tile to San Diego, CA Customers

Granite Gallery Enterprises, Inc are renowned importers of fine stone. We carry various types of tile worldwide, and we are proud to deliver quality – no matter which one you choose. Whether you are in the midst of a full-scale bathroom or kitchen remodel, or you are simply replacing the flooring and countertops, we can help. We have a wide range of stone and tile available to San Diego, CA-area customers. We are committed to quality, quantity, and expertise, so we learn everything we can about our inventory. Our team can educate you on the benefits and drawbacks of any particular stone and advise you on which one will likely suit your needs best. Read below to learn more about our options.

Our Stone Options

At Granite Gallery Enterprises, Inc, we are proud of our ability to help our customers find what they are looking for. We carry a seemingly endless array of tile and countertop options at our showroom, from beautiful granite to stunning marble. Our team is knowledgeable about everything we sell, including:


Ceramic tile is cheaper than some of our other options, but it isn't cheap-looking. In fact, it is a gorgeous material that is environmentally friendly, versatile, resistant to fire, and water-resistant to boot.

Glass Mosaic

Glass mosaic is a high-end, gorgeous option for floors, backsplashes, and walls. It contains a multitude of finishes and patterning, so much so that every homeowner should be able to find one that matches their style and existing décor.

Get in Touch With Our Team Today

In addition to the above options, we also carry travertine, onyx, and limestone. Additionally, our Piedra Collection offers plenty of additional alternatives to our customers. You can rely on exceptionalism from Granite Gallery Enterprises, Inc. From the quality of our inventory to the reliability of our staff, working with us is a joy.

Let us bring the showroom to you! Contact us today for a hassle-free, in-home estimate.

Contact Us Today Schedule an Appointment